I Can't let my dog off the lead
Posted on 24th May 2023 at 07:33
In this blog post, we'll explore how to make the most of your photography session when your dog can't be let off their lead.
If you have had a look at our portfolio, you may be left wondering how come all of these dogs are just so well trained and able to be off their lead! - even thinking to yourself "there's no way my dog....."
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I will let you into a little secret.....
EVERY dog can be off lead if you have the right photographer - I don't mean that I am or that I turn into some magic dog whisperer with the ability to make your dog be impeccably well trained, but I do mean that with a little bit of editing magic, every dog that we photograph will appear to be off it's lead in their portraits, and at the end of the day that is all that matters.
One of the questions that we often get asked during the initial booking consultation is:
“what happens if I can't let my dog off the lead during the photoshoot?”
The question normally comes up if the dog is still a puppy and hasn’t got very good recall, it's an older or nervous dog and is very wary of a new location and strange people, or they might just be prone to running off.
The most important part of the sessions that we provide for you, is a safe environment, not only for the dog but the owner too. It’s vital that we make sure your dog/s aren’t put at any risk when we are creating our stunning portraits of them.
As a professional dog photographer, I need not only the ability to take a great image, but also the skill to then edit and produce a photograph that will happily hang on a wall for all to see - AND be "Lead Free!"
Here we have Buzz and Arlo in a leads in (with Mum) and after with no leads and Mum removed as well!! all using my editing software.
Your dog/s are safe and it will be our little secret.

If your dog normally wears a harness, the sheer size of them makes them very difficult - if not impossible to remove digitally, so we ask you to bring a collar along to the session as well (we can swap the dog in and out of the harness when it’s needed to walk between the different spots on your session)
For a photo that is going to be more panoramic I will also take two photos, one with you and the dog in it and one without, it makes it easier to "rub you out" afterwards.
The whole process is what we like to term - "The magic of photoshop"

If you have ever wondered when is the perfect time to capture your wonderful dog?
The time is right now!
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